If you can help, we are eager to support your good WORKS as We Walk The Road to recovery.
Please let us know how you think you can help.
For a caring doctor, now a chance to be healed
After so many years offering loving, mindful, hopeful care to her patients, now it's Dr. Mom's turn to partake of the wisdom and kindness of some of the great healers of today. We look forward to meeting you.
What we are looking for
- For privacy, this website will be shared by referral.
- If you are receiving this, it is because a healer thought of you as a colleague who might help.
- For security on the wilds of the internet, we will send you relevant information after a brief process of verification.
- Dr. Pat greatly appreciates your time in considering helping her and is happy to support your good works.
- One of the most sure-fire ways she feels she can contribute to a better world is by supporting the efforts of those who care for others.
- We look forward to learning about how your modality and paradigms might help us walk the path to health.